Cet article est uniquement disponible en Anglais.

publié dans Ressources le 28 octobre 2014

Organic supply chains for small farmer income generation in developing countries


Agriculture bioEtude, rapport

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Despite the increasing attention given to organic supply chains over the past decade, there are still significant market opportunities to pursue. The demand for organic products in developing countries continues to grow and price premiums for organic certified products are available, albeit not comparable with those of a decade or so ago. This paper focuses on case studies on organic rice in India and Thailand, horticulture products in Brazil and Hungary, and coffee and fruit in African countries. It first summarizes findings on the marketing, financing, post-harvest and value-added components of these organic ventures and then provides conclusions and recommendations for policy-makers, the private sector and support organizations for the future development of organic supply chains in developing countries.

Download (62 p.) : http://www.fao.org/docrep/017/i3122e/i3122e.pdf

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